25 August 2021

Winter always turns to Spring – 6 Ways to Prepare for Spring

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We’ve all heard of the term ‘spring cleaning’. For some reason, this change in seasons is often associated with growth or cleaning up to prepare for the year ahead. However, the idea of making changes in spring doesn’t just apply to cleaning your house.

Cherry blossoms

We’ve all heard of the term ‘spring cleaning’. For some reason, this change in seasons is often associated with growth or cleaning up to prepare for the year ahead. However, the idea of making changes in spring doesn’t just apply to cleaning your house. You can take a ‘spring cleaning’ approach to your work, your business, and indeed your whole life!

Out with the old…

One of the most common things we associate with spring is decluttering the house. While you can do this any time of year, spring is a perfect time. It’s all about clearing out the clutter that’s getting in the way.

On a personal level, think about what may be cluttering your life. It could be unwanted items around the home, it could be bad habits, it may even be that you’ve got too many plans or goals and not enough time to dedicate to them. Think about the things that are most important, and clear out the things that aren’t.

You can also do the same thing on a professional level. Have you been doing something a certain way but not getting results? Perhaps it’s time to clear out those old work habits and try a new perspective.

Is something holding you back?

Do you have things in your personal or professional life that are holding you back? This can be a range of things, including beliefs, old habits, or even people. If something or someone isn’t serving you, or providing encouragement for you to achieve your goals, spring is the perfect time to break away from them. It could be something as simple as a haircut, or as complex as a personal relationship. Spring is a good time to take stock of everything in your life, and deciding what you need to let go of.

Step out of your comfort zone

Often, growth can really only occur when you step out of your comfort zone. This is true in your personal and professional life. Spend some time thinking about your long-term goals. Maybe there’s something you’ve always wanted to achieve but you’ve been afraid to chase it.

It’s easy to get stuck in our ways, never straying too far from the path we know. However, if you want to achieve growth personally and professionally, sometimes it takes a leap of faith. Jump into something, and have some confidence that you’ll learn as you go.

Reignite a passion

Most of us have dreams and aspirations, but how many of us truly pursue them? We often get stuck in a rut, whether it’s a bad relationship or a job we don’t enjoy. But it’s important to remember that these ‘ruts’ weren’t always like that. Once upon a time, we had fun in that person’s company, or gained satisfaction from our work. Try to rediscover those passions, and put some effort into enjoying them again.

The other way to re-energise your life is to think about a goal you once had that you’ve let slip down the priority list. If you dreamed of starting your own business, start looking into that again. If you wanted to get fit and run a half-marathon, what’s really stopping you? Often, recapturing some passion only requires a change in mindset.

Focus on your personal brand

A lot of things in your life will change over time, but your personal brand always remains the same. Take some time to invest in what makes you, you! Whether this means taking a more active role in your industry to become a thought-leader, or even finding ways to share your knowledge with others. We often get caught up in only doing what we need to get by, but now is the time to reinvest some time into yourself. It’s a great way to make new connections and even open up job, career or business opportunities.

Learn a new skill

Finally, if things in life are feeling a little stale, why not learn something new? Whether it’s taking up a new hobby in your spare time or upskilling at work, learning is always an invigorating process. Professionally, if you’re stuck in a job or career you don’t enjoy, use spring to come up with ways you can change that. Perhaps studying in a different field will give you the career change you’ve wanted for years!

If you’re looking for good office space before Spring rolls in, we got what you need. Urban Hub offers premium coworking space for businesses in Wellington along with other great solutions, such as meeting rooms and other services.


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