24 June 2020

How to Build Your Brand as a Business Blogger

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One of best ways to enhance your reputation in any given field is to become a thought leader. This means opening discussion on key industry matters, and sharing your expertise. People can do this through personal blogs, which can then be shared on social media, particularly LinkedIn.

Woman with blogging business edits video on laptop

One of best ways to enhance your reputation in any given field is to become a thought leader. This means opening discussion on key industry matters, and sharing your expertise. People can do this through personal blogs, which can then be shared on social media, particularly LinkedIn.

Business blogging has become an important part of marketing, but you need to use your voice in a way that informs and engages. In a world full of content, that’s not always an easy thing to do, but it’s certainly possible. Here are some tips on building your own brand as a business blogger.

Write About Industry-Specific Topics

Firstly, you need to understand your audience. In all aspects of business, people often choose a niche market. The same applies to business blogging. If you’re writing about anything and everything, you may gain slightly better reach for individual blogs, depending on the topic. However, the people reading may not have any interest in your business.

Remember, business blogging is all about enhancing your brand and establishing trust in your expertise. You’re doing this to attract people to your own business or services. So, if you offer financial services, writing a blog about the weekend’s sports results may get more views, but the people reading it may have no interest in your specific industry.

Choose topics specific to your industry, because having 10 actively engaged readers is better than 100 who are just passing through.

Share Bold Opinions

To separate yourself from everyone else and establish your own brand, you need to be bold. This doesn’t mean being obnoxious or inflammatory for the sake of publicity, but it means having strong opinions. If you write mostly about HR topics and you have particular views about new workplace laws, be strong in your views.

Convey views eloquently, rather than using a tone that talks down to people. Having a bold opinion on topics is great, but you still need to engage and connect with readers.

Back Up Your Opinions with Facts

Naturally, you want to build a trusted brand. To been seen as an expert and an authority in your industry. With that comes a responsibility to use solid facts to back up your opinions. People are far more likely to be influenced by your opinions if you can back them up with facts.

While loud, controversial opinions often get noticed fleetingly, they don’t always inspire trust in the author. Remember, bold opinions don’t need to be controversial. They just need to be yours, consistent, and well thought out.

Be Consistent, and Be Yourself

Finally, the most important thing is to be consistent and be yourself. If you want people to follow you as a leader in your industry, you need to show people who you really are. Also, it’s far easier to maintain consistency if you’re being yourself. If you’re not authentic in your blogging, it’s hard to keep up the façade. Just be yourself, share your knowledge, and make sure your views and thoughts are consistent. People will get to know you, your brand, and be more willing to listen to what you have to say.

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